How to Correlate Dynamic Parameter In TruClient: Below are the steps to extract dynamic values in TruClient that are seen on the HTML response page.
Example: I took the example of, here a magical number needs to be entered in the text which can be seen on the webpage. Extracting magical number is shown in the below steps.
Step 1: Open the recorded scenario in the Chrome browser,
Step 2: Replay the script until the required page is rendered (in my case until the step magical number is displayed)
Step 3: Drag and Drop “generic object action” from toolbox
Step 4: Click to choose any object and select the dynamic value which needs to correlate.
Step 5: Change step “Click” to Step “Goto Property”
Step 6: Go to Argument, Give a “Property” value as ” Visible Text” and provide a Variable name as “XXX“.
Step 7: Drag and Drop an Evaluate Javascript from the Misc section and try to set the variable from JS(XXX) to LoadRunner(LR_XXX).
TC.setParam(“LR_XXX”, XXX);
Step 8: Now you can use the LR_XXX where ever you need in the script.
Also Read: How to use Future or Past Date in Jmeter Without any Code
Drag and Drop an Evaluate Javascript from the Misc section and try to set the variable from JS(XXX) to LoadRunner(LR_XXX).
TC.setParam(“LR_XXX”, XXX);
Where do i find this mis scetion?
Thank you for detailed steps. It worked :)
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How to capture value and place it in a variable