How to Quickly Reset Your WordPress Admin Password from Backend: This Tutorial will help you in resetting the password of your word press users from the backend.
Go to SQL Editor and execute the below command to create an MD5 encryption password
select MD5('hello');
Copy result of the above command which we need to update in users table of word press
Browse to the WordPress installation directory you can see the file name as wp-config.php which hold you WordPress database user, password, Database name
By using these credentials connect to the database using any MySQL client. you will have a table name ends with users copy the table name
In my case table name is wo_users as shown in screenshot
Execute the below select command to see all users and to get the ID of the user to reset the password.
select * from selected_users_table_name ;
Select the User ID as shown below
Get the User ID as highlighted above and execute the update command to reset the password.
UPDATE selected_users_tablename SET user_pass='result for first select md5('hello')'; where ID=1
In my case, Query is as shown below
update wo_users set user_pass='5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592' where ID=1
Commit the changes and try with a new password. you should able to login into word press admin
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